7th ISWA YPG International Online Conference

Artificial Intelligence and Technology Innovation

Meets Waste Management and Circular Economy

The Young Professionals Group (YPG) Online Conference is the leading international conference for young professionals in waste management.

The Conference aims to address the promotion of circular economy principles and the involvement of new circular thinkers involved in research and innovation toward sustainable solid waste management.

We are excited to announce the 7th edition of the ISWA YPG Online Conference on 27 July 2024.

This year there will be a special focus on the United Nations Treaty on Plastic Pollution in 2024.

The registration is FREE and you are all invited. See you there!

Conference Topics:

1. AI-Driven Waste Sorting and Recycling:

Exploring how artificial intelligence and innovative technologies can optimize waste sorting processes, enhance recycling efficiency, and reduce contamination. 

2. Circular Economy Models and Strategies:

Examining strategies for transitioning towards a circular economy, where waste is minimized, resources are conserved, and products are designed for reuse and recycling.

3. Smart Waste Management Systems:

Discussing the development and implementation of smart waste management systems empowered by AI, IoT (Internet of Things), and data analytics to improve collection, transportation, and disposal processes.

4. Digital Transformation in Waste Management:

Exploring how digital transformation and emerging technologies are reshaping waste management practices, from predictive analytics for waste generation to blockchain-based tracking of waste streams.

5. Collaboration and Partnerships for Sustainability:

Highlighting the importance of collaboration between AI/technology developers, waste management companies, policymakers, and businesses to drive sustainable practices and innovation in waste management and circular economy initiatives.

Come and Join Us








Call for Abstracts!

We are calling for abstract submissions. Submit yours before the deadline on 11th July 2024.

The YPG has organised prizes for exceptional work, which include:
1. A year of ISWA membership
2. A scholarship to the ISWA-SWIS Winter School 2025 in Arlington, Texas, USA

Conference Speakers

Conference Committee 

Conference Chairs

Dr. Amani Maalouf                                                                                            (Lebanon/United Kingdom)

Dr. Amani Maalouf (Lebanon/United Kingdom)


Dr. Md Azijul Islam (Bangladesh/USA)

Dr. Md Azijul Islam (Bangladesh/USA)


Organizing Committee

Haniyeh Jalalipur

Haniyeh Jalalipur

Session Coordinator: YPG activities


Julio Raldúa Veuthey

Julio Raldúa Veuthey

Session Coordinator: YPG activities


Chantal Mambu

Chantal Mambu



Inês Gomes

Inês Gomes

Content Creation


Ashpreet Kaur

Ashpreet Kaur



Adeline Mertenat

Adeline Mertenat



Dr. Giovani Palafox-Alcantar

Dr. Giovani Palafox-Alcantar



Sehneela Sara Aurpa

Sehneela Sara Aurpa



Previous Conference Proceedings

Contact Information

For any information, send an email to:

Chairs of the Conference Committee,
Dr. Amani Maalouf & Dr. Azijul Islam
